Tips on Creating a Website for Lead Generation

Tips on Creating a Website for Lead Generation

Here are some great tips to get your website ready to bring in the leads.

You’ve built a good company with an even better product. You’ve invested in a website to showcase your product. Time has passed, and you haven’t sold nearly as much product as you would like. You need to find those people who want or need your product. You need leads.

Lead generation is a focused marketing campaign to establish interest in products or services among a target audience in such a way that generates potential new-business opportunities for a sales team.

A typical lead generation process starts with attracting your prospects. There are a number of tactics to achieve this goal. A few include:

Once one of these tactics has caught the attention of your prospects, they will typically click on a link or do a Google search for your company and end up at your website. This is where converting the visitor into a lead begins. How do you convert a visitor into a lead? Use your website to capture their interest and their contact information.

Start with a Quality Website

There are specific elements that enhance a website that has a goal of generating leads, but you must first start with a well-designed website. The best web-design practices to ensure a quality site include:

  • Making your site mobile-friendly
  • Displaying your contact information in multiple places
  • Minimizing distractions (white space is your friend)
  • Adding credibility by including testimonials, case studies, reviews, and trust seals

Study What Happens on Your Site

A long time ago we made websites and hoped for the best. We had no way of knowing what people clicked on, how long they spent on the site, or from what page they exited. Those days are long gone. We now have many tools at our disposal, such as Google Analytics, to help us determine the activity on our website.

What should you be looking at?

  • Bounce rate—are people leaving your website without navigating to other pages?
  • Behavior flow—check out where people are dropping off of your website
  • Conversions and goals—if you have already set up goals, reviewing your site’s existing conversion rates can be helpful when evaluating
  • Which pages get the results you want? What about these pages makes them better than others on your site?

There are a wide variety of aspects of your website that you can look at to gain insight. Take some time to get to know what works and what doesn’t work on your existing site.

Optimize Your Customer’s Journey

Now that you know where your visitors are going on your site, you can enhance these pages to ensure the best experience possible. Here are some of the possible actions you will want to take:

  • Many visitors leave from a specific page? A/B test new calls-to-action or forms to get them to stay on your site or submit their details.
  • Visitors get to the contact page but don’t contact you? Try offering a different way of contact such as posting a phone number or a contact form.
  • Visitors aren’t going to the pages you want them to see? Change the pages they are seeing to direct them there.

Try, Try Again

Once you’ve made changes to optimize your visitors’ experience, let these changes have time to run. Then, go back to studying the behavior of your visitors.

  • Did you see your sales, form submissions, or emails increase? Did you see a decrease?
  • Which call-to-action received the most clicks?
  • Does it look like customers are navigating through your site as intended? Or are they more lost than before?

Evaluate all the changes you made and look for additional patterns or behaviors that can be optimized.

What’s next? Do it again. Finding that sweet spot that gets your visitors doing exactly what you want takes time and lots of trial and error. This is also a very important aspect of getting results on your marketing. The payoff will be worth it. You will have leads coming in and you will have learned more about your visitors’ behavior.

Your website is not the only piece of the lead generation puzzle. Not sure what else you need? Call FrogDog and we can create a custom lead generation strategy for you.

Image courtesy of

Posted: Mar 17, 2016
Updated: Jan 14, 2021
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