Update a Nonprofit’s Look

The Houston-based Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council is one of the largest Girl Scout councils in the nation, serving 25 counties in Southeast Texas.

The Challenge

  • The Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council regularly produces a number of materials for prospective and current Girl Scouts and their families.
  • The council approached FrogDog Communications to draft and design contemporary and fun materials—breaking away from the more traditional design approach for Girl Scout materials—that would appeal to girls of varying ages and diverse backgrounds and their parents.

FrogDog Solution

  • FrogDog developed the council’s annual report, from its initial interviews and drafts to design and print production. Focusing on volunteerism, the report shared the history of the council in a polished, two-color format that allowed the council to take a much cleaner, spacious approach to the design of its annual report.
  • The council needed a way to professionally and economically package information about its council for prospective donors and adult volunteers. FrogDog designed a one-color folder with a very clean design in the council’s core branded color to hold the council’s collection of colorful flyers. It also developed a two-page insert for the folder that compiled all of the basic council information that is typically given to donors and volunteers.
  • FrogDog redesigned a series of binder inserts for volunteer leaders, called Coach’s Chronicles. FrogDog designed an economical, two-color solution that better fit the look and feel of the council’s new, more contemporary—and fun—look.
  • FrogDog drafted and designed a twenty-page, bilingual booklet that detailed all the basic information parents need to know once their daughters join the Girl Scouts. The look needed to be clean and playful, so FrogDog incorporated numerous pictures of actual Girl Scouts in a fun, bright layout. For this piece, FrogDog focused on the challenge of placing a large amount of information into a small number of pages, while still making the piece easy to reference and browse.
  • The council needed a template that volunteers throughout the council could cheaply reproduce when needing to answer questions from the parents of prospective Girl Scouts. FrogDog compiled answers to the most common questions and laid out an information-packed flyer that could be photocopied in black and white.
  • The council enlisted FrogDog to draft and design a bright and friendly registration card that would pack a lot of information—in English and Spanish—but still be visually enticing to both girls and their parents. FrogDog created an extremely bright and fun brochure that could be used as a mail piece and included a tear-off reply card to register new Girl Scouts. This brochure was used for some very successful seasons of registration.
  • To appeal to older girls, Girls Scouts has developed a separate brand for Girl Scouting activities for junior and high school girls called Studio 2B. The council wanted a fresh perspective on how to appeal to this age group through a postcard, and FrogDog drafted and designed a number of options to appeal to junior and high school students.
  • As the council geared up for its annual registration, FrogDog developed a flyer and matching bookmark to encourage teachers to distribute registration materials to students. The materials attracted attention with their bright colors and could be easily customized by each troop leader.
  • Each year, the San Jacinto Council holds a fundraiser called Urban Campout. FrogDog has helped with the public relations surrounding this event in an effort to encourage participation from the Houston community. FrogDog secured article placements, radio interviews, and television coverage of the event.

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Annual Report

FrogDog developed a thirty-six page annual report—from initial outlines and interview to design and print production—highlighting volunteerism for a regional Girl Scout council.

Registration Brochure

FrogDog developed this colorful English-Spanish direct-mail brochure to encourage girls and their parents to sign up for another year of Girl Scouting.


FrogDog developed these postcards to advertise Girl Scouts’ Studio 2B program for high school-age girls.

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